
Au revoir ma belle Quebec - God is at the Helm - January 9, 2023

My heart is so full! This week was incredible, so many memories to cherish. It doesn't seem real that I am heading home this week, I am going to miss it a lot. I can't even begin to describe everything that my mission has taught me and who it has helped me become. It means everything to me. I have been so blessed to be with Sœur Tate for this last transfer. We had had so much fun and seen so many miracles! Our goal for this week was to speed up, and we definitely did. We felt so much help along the way. God is so good! I am so grateful for the people I have met here that have changed my life! I will never forget them. I'm grateful for the trials I've had that have brought me to my knees and allowed me to expérience the reach of the atonement of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for a loving God who knows all of His children perfectly. Life is so much better when we jump all the way in and just let God lead. He is truly at the Helm. 2 Nephi 26:24-25 have been really spe

January 2, 2023

Allô ! I am soaking up second I have left gere in Québec, I'm going to miss it so much. Even though we didn't have many appointments this week because people are so busy with the holidays, we had some really awesome experiences. One of my very favorite things in the world is watching the change that happens in people when they honestly seek Christ and are seeking to recognize the spirit. Our friend Olga described it perfectly when she was telling us about the big peace that she had in her heart and the happiness that she felt all week long. These past 2 transfers as a mission we've been studying the 5 gospels - Matt, Mark, Luke, Jean, and 3 Nephi. I have learned so much about my savior Jesus Christ, I could write à book about it. One thing that really stood out to me is Christ's capacity to heal. No matter where He was, He healed all who came unto Him with faith. I never found a time where Christ didn't heal someone when they came unto Him with faith. Christ s

Joyeux Noël - December 26, 2022

Merry Christmas everyone !! I hope you had an amazing christmas. This week was so good ! We were still a bit sick which was not super fun but ça va. We had exchanges this week and it was so fun. We saw some cool miracles and laughed so much. I love these sisters so much. They also decorated gingerbread men for us for Christmas, it was so cute. We had a big snow storm this week and weren't allowed to leave out apartment. There were lots of trees blown over and many houses without electricity so we are so grateful that we had power and heat for Christmas! I am so grateful for this Christmas season and for my Savior Jesus Christ. We had a christmas zoom with our mission and president Harkness asked us to reflect and write our thoughts about the questions "what shall I give to the babe in the manger?". I really loved that and prayed about it. Christmas day so amazing, all 3 branches were joined for church, and a member from Lévis that I love gave a talk about the gifts

Sheep of His Hands - December 19, 2022

Hiiii everyone ! This week was awesome. We finally got snow again and it is sooo pretty. It's starting to feel like Christmas again! This week started out with us being a bit sick and delirious, I ended up downing half a bottle of dayquil (not all at the same time don't worry). So that was not the most fun but we did laugh a lot. We saw some cool miracles this week, I am just in awe by how much God loves his children. We went visiting a couple people who had been taught in the past and we stopped by this woman named Clarice. She's going through a really hard time in her life right now. She really opened up to us and we just sat there and listened while she cried. It was so special to be in the right place right when she needed us. So grateful. I love the christmas spirit and how it makes everyone want to be serve those around them. This week we had some people serve us and it absolutely made our day. Keep sharing your light!! One thing that really stood out to me from

Salty smoothies & new friend - December 12, 2022

Bonjour !! Favorite moments from this week - we helped the zone leaders move appartements and it was so fun. I felt like à housing sister again cleaning bathrooms and ovens - we found a few new people to teach this week which is so happy. One of our friends Dyane is so cool. She's had some crazy experiences, and is super réceptive to the spirit. We are so excited to teach her. - we made Spring roles this week ! Sis tate is a chef and we've made sooo many yummy meals. We tried to use it as a finding opportunity by posting a picture in a Facebook foods groups, it turned into people just mocking us for our french. Apparently springs rolls are "nems" in french. Lesson learned - this week was freezing cold. People think we are crazy on the streets trying to talk to them but we love it - Sister Tate made smoothies for breakfast one morning, we figured out pretty quick that she mistook the salt for the sugar. That was pretty funny - Sabrina and her girls came to church an

First and Last - December 5, 2022

Allô à tous !! This week was wild. I had to say goodbye to sœur Rice:( and I got my new companion Sœur Tate ! She is new in the mission and I have already learned so much from her. I'm just feeling so grateful for this privilege I have to serve the Lord and come closer to Him. I am so excited for this Christmas season and the opportunity we have to focus more on Jesus Christ. I loved the Christmas devotional last night. Sister Cordon talked about how when we understand the significance behind the gift, it becomes priceless. The gift of our Saviors birth is the most priceless gift we have ever received. This Christmas I'm going to try to better understand the significance of Christ's mission and strengthen my relationship with Him. I love this quote by O. Vincent Haleck, 《When we study the life of our Savior and His teachings, we see Him amongst the people teaching, praying, lifting, and healing. When we emulate Him and do the things we see Him do, we begin to see a vi